I’m Daniel Long and I hope you enjoy my photos!
Palm Fan - Close view of a palm frond, the light intensifying the green and shadows
Peeking Lizard - Close up of a lizard on a palm tree in Saint Lucia
Soaring Shadow - A silhouette of a frigate bird in black and white soaring high in the sky
Preening Mockingbird - A mockingbird sitting on a branch cleaning it's feathers
Black Grackle - A black and white view of a Carib Grackle standing on a perch by a tree trunk
Squawking Grackle - A Carib Grackle sitting on a branch with its mouth agape, making it's distinctive noise
Climbing Lizard - A lizard perched on a stick
Leaf Ladder - Close up of a palm frond the leaves shooting off of a central column
Crumpled - Close up, black and white of the dead leaves on a palm tree
Abstract 1 - Abstract of blue and green colours of something out of focus
Palm Portrait - A single palm tree depicted against a blue sky
Stalks - Close up of palm frond stalks
Abstract 2 - An abstract of red and blue
Pink Globe - A close up of a pink flower that has a globe shape with a green background
Volcanic Waterfall - A hidden little waterfall on a volcano
Pink Petals - A close up view of a stalk of a flower covered in pink petals
Dragon Tip - A close up view of flower tip that reminds me of a dragon's tail
Sourfriere - A view of the town of Sourfriere, Saint Lucia from a height
Jungle Piton - A view of the Petit Piton seen through jungle
Piton from Sea - A black and white view of the Petit Piton seen from the sea