I’m Daniel Long and I hope you enjoy my photos!
Colourful Sunset - Pink and blue sky sunset behind a line of trees on a Kentish hill with a light mist
Reaching for the Light - High contrast image of a translucent mushroom growing from a log toward the light behind it
Shadow Mushroom - A silhouette of a mushroom with a light grey/blue out of focus background with a strong vignette
Sunny Mushroom - Close up of a mushroom with a strong yellow and green background, the top of the mushroom is reflecting light but casting the gills into shadow
Pillow Mushroom - A large soft light brown mushroom fills the frame with a dark background
Egyptian Hall - Black and white view looking down an Egyptian colonnade
Sunshine Flower - Close up of an orange flower with pink towards the centre of the flower with pollen encrusted stamen surrounding a seed cluster
Wooden Ridges - Highly textured black and white close up of the hull of a wooden boat
Early Tulip - Close up of a green tulip before the flower has emerged, the leaves frame the bud and a slightly out of focus
Stranded - Black and white landscape with a disused wooden boat on the gravel beach, strong contrast and textural definition
Snow Drops - Close up of young snow drop flowers emerging, white flower buds in a field of green leaves
Lone Shack - Black and white landscape of an old wooden shack on a gravel beach that has strong textures and details
Dark Beach - A vast black and white landscape image of a gravel beach with an old boat sitting in the middle distance surrounded by dark skies
The Grain - Close up black and white image of a cross section of a log showing the rings, cracks and grain of the wood
At Attention - A Meerkat standing at attention on a rock, in black and white to accentuate the details of the fur and rock
Croaking - Close up of a frog mid croak in an algae infested pond, the frog sits on the right of the frame
Reflected Elegance - A swan gliding across a pond, reflecting itself in the dark waters
Contrast Vertebrae - A close up of a whale vertebrae from a natural history museum, in black and white to accentuate the texture and contrast of the lighting
Coastal Walk - Looking down a line of white cliffs with grass and wild flowers on the top and the sea on the right
Golden Path - A path running through green fields with a fence on the left, leading to a golden field in the distance and a blue sky above it
Golden Path 2 - A path leading through the farmed Kent countryside with a golden field on the left separated from the path by a fence and a green field on the right
Golden Bracken - Detailed close up of a bracken leaf with the sun shining through it giving it a golden cast
Leaf Ripples - Strong contrast black and white close up of a fern leaf, the fronds are cascading across the image like waves or ripples
Purple Petals - Close up of purple flowers with a dark green core of blurred stems providing contrast
Purple Veins - A close up of a purple/pink coloured leaf accentuating the ribs and veins of the leaf with dark green speckling
Sunset Leaf - Close up of a leaf with orange and yellow colouring with a dark green background to provide contrast
Globe Lights - Black and white close up of little mushrooms, white globes suspended on a black background
Red Tangle - A mass of red fibres with a strong vignette for contrast and to frame the tangle
Pink Tips - A close up of a flower with conical petals that have pink tips and white bases, has a strong dark background to contrast the colours